Your Teen Arrested For DUI? 4 Ways To Help Prevent A Repeat Offense

Your teenager has been arrested for DUI. They're going through the court system, but you want to make sure that they don't repeat the behavior later on. You could take their driving privileges away from, but if you really want to make a lasting impression on them, don't stop there. Here are four techniques that will help you teach your teenager about the dangers of drinking and driving.

Have Them Attend a Survivors Support Group

Most cities in the United States have organized meetings for the survivors of drunk-driving accidents. Find a group in your community and ask for permission to have your teenager sit through a few of the sessions.

Be sure the group has members who have lost loved ones due to drunk drivers. Listening to family members grieve over the loss of their loved ones may give your teenager the incentive they need to stop drinking.

Alcohol Monitoring Ignition Locks

If your teenager is failing to understand the dangers of drinking and driving, perhaps it's time to have an alcohol monitoring ignition lock installed on their car. The ignition lock will require your teenager to breathe into the machine before turning the ignition. If your child breathes positive for alcohol, the car will not start. This monitor will prevent your teen from drinking and driving. It will also prevent potential DUI's and reduce their chances of being involved in a drinking-related accident.

Observe an Autopsy

Teens don't always equate drinking with death. If your teenager has been caught drinking and driving, arrange for them to observe an autopsy of someone who was killed by a drunk driver. Being put face-to-face with the aftermath of a drunk driving accident, may be the way to get your teen to stop drinking and driving. In California, some counties are requiring DUI offenders to observe autopsies of people who've died in alcohol-related accidents.

Get Involved

If your child has been arrested for drinking and driving, it's important to remember that the experience may not stop them from drinking again. You can prevent tragedies by getting involved. Sit down with your teen and create a driving agreement that you will both sign. The agreement should include rules that your teen will be required to follow, as well as consequences for breaking those rules. In addition, the agreement should include the requirement that they call for a ride home should they ever find themselves unable to drive. This portion of the agreement will also protect your child from riding with someone who's been drinking.

If your teenager is drinking and driving, they're endangering their lives and the lives of those around them. Use the suggestions provided above to help teach your teen about the dangers of drinking and driving. For additional help and information about DUIs, contact a professional lawyer like H Edward Andrews III.
