The Process For Appealing A Denied SSDI Claim

One of the benefits you are entitled to from paying into the Social Security system is Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) payments if you become disabled before you reach retirement age. In a perfect world, the application and approval process for SSDI claims would be simple and free from unnecessary denials, but this just isn't the case. Many deserving disabled people are denied by the Social Security Administration (SSA) every day for what sometimes seem like unreasonable reasons. 

If you recently applied for SSDI and were denied, then you will need to appeal your case before the SSA. In order to do this effectively, you need to understand how the appeals process works, and you need to work with an attorney who is skilled at contesting denied disability claims.

The SSDI Appeals Process Explained

When your application is denied by the SSA, they will send you a letter informing you of their decision and offering you the option of a reconsideration of your case. You can then submit any extra documentation to help prove your case and the SSA will review your claim once again.

If the SSA denies your reconsideration request, then you can file an appeal and have your case heard in front of an administrative law judge in a formal hearing.

At your SSDI appeal hearing, you will be asked questions about your struggles of daily living and how your disability affects your ability to work and take care of yourself. Your disability attorney will work with you before the hearing to ensure that you know how to answer the questions that you will be asked.

If the administrative law judge rules against you at your appeals hearing, then you can appeal once more to the appeals council for the SSA. While many cases do not ever make it this far in the process, your SSDI payments can still be approved even at this late step in the process if your attorney can provide all of the necessary documentation to prove that you are disabled.

Finally, if your SSDI claim is denied by the appeals council, then you can file a case in your local federal district court and sue the SSA. Generally, if you work closely with your physician and a disability attorney, then this step is not necessary and your SSDI claim will be approved on the first appeal or at the appeals council meeting.

For a disability lawyer, contact an attorney such as Bruce K Billman.
