Most people understand that if they are unable to work at their jobs due to a medical condition, they may qualify for Social Security benefits. What many don't know is that unseen and not so obvious disorders are also covered under this valuable government program. Many people are so affected by mental disorders that they are unable to make a living since they are unable to work at all. If you are suffering from some very common disorders, like anxiety, depression, mood and personality disorders and more, you may qualify for Social Security benefits.
Proving Your Condition
One of the most difficult, but vital, elements of applying for Social Security is proving your condition, no matter what that condition may be. The best way to show proof is with your medical records, or in this case proof that you have been getting mental health therapy and support for your condition. While your treatment records are good proof, having proof of medications prescribed will only add more support to your claim. The best course of action for those seeking benefits is to get prompt treatment for your mental disorder, to follow all treatment recommendations, to keep all appointments and to keep good records of everything. Allowing gaps in treatment could be taken to mean that your condition is not serious enough to require benefits.
Understanding Decompensation
This is a big word, but the meaning is pretty simple. It just means that your mental health condition has caused you to gradually be unable to take part in some or all of your required work duties. Everyone's compensation will be different since it will depend on your job, your condition and the way it affects you. For example, you have begun to suffer from severe social anxiety, but a major part of your job depends on public speaking. Up until recently, you have not had problems with speaking in front of a crowd, but now you do. When your anxiety prevents you from doing that part of your job, you are in decompensation. This is a requirement of being approved for benefits for mental disorders, and your condition may worsen over time to encompass more and more job tasks that you were previously able to take part in.
You may have a greater challenge proving that your mental health condition is preventing you from doing your job. Mental conditions, unlike most medical conditions, cannot be proven with a physical exam or diagnostic tests. Many people, regardless of their conditions, are turned down for benefits. If this happens to you, don't just give up. You are entitled to an appeal hearing, and the best way to ensure that you get the benefits that you need and deserve is to seek the support of a Social Security attorney to represent you at that hearing.
For more information, contact an attorney, such as Timothy W Hudson Attorney.