What Happens When The Police Get Your Drug Dealer's Mobile Phone?

Studies indicate that U.S. residents are a little lax about their mobile phones—they lose about 1 a year and about 34% of users don't even bother to take any security precautions at all to protect the information on those phones. That can end up opening the door to some trouble for both the owners of those phones and their contacts—especially if the owner happens to be dealing drugs. If you occasionally indulge in illicit drugs (including marijuana), this is some information that you need to know about what can happen when your dealer's phone falls into police possession. [Read More]

Do You Think Your Boyfriend Is Cheating On You? Different Ways To Find Out The Truth

There are some people that feel you should simply break up with your boyfriend if you suspect he is cheating. After all, what is a relationship without any trust? However, you have to do what you feel is right in your heart, and sometimes that involves finding out the truth. You may not want to always wonder if you left someone who you loved deeply over a suspicion that may or may not have been true. [Read More]

Can You Face Criminal Charges If You Fail To Repay A Payday Loan?

It isn't an uncommon thing to accidentally bounce a check. For most people, it's an expensive annoyance, but there's rarely any bigger penalty attached than a few "insufficient funds" fees debiting their account. However, if you happened to write the bad check to a payday loan company, a single bad check can put you at risk of a federal bank fraud charge and 30 years in prison. This is what you should know. [Read More]

5 Long-Term Consequences Of A Domestic Violence Conviction

Domestic violence is a crime that the courts take seriously, and if you are arrested for a domestic violence offense you may receive stiff penalties and punishments from the court, and the conviction can follow you around for the rest of your life. In the event that you are arrested for a domestic violence crime, it is absolutely essential that you immediately contact a criminal defense attorney who specializes in domestic violence cases. [Read More]