4 Real Estate Legal Services You May Need

The real estate legal services profession covers a diverse range of issues. If you're not sure whether you need to hire this type of law firm to help, here are four scenarios where it's probably a good choice.

Property Transactions

Buying, selling, and transferring real estate are all important tasks, and they have major legal implications. From the moment someone lists a location for sale, there are concerns about the representations they make regarding the property's condition. When a sale or transfer starts, you'll also have to devise a process for exchanging money and transferring the title. Every step of the way, it's smart to pay for real estate legal services so you can rest assured the issue was handled competently.

Boundary Disputes

Property lines have been the source of many disputes throughout time. From surveying a property to entering the data into the county registry, it's important to deal with the associated legalities. It's not uncommon for people to negotiate solutions to boundary issues. Likewise, you may have to go to court to remedy the dispute if the negotiation fails.

Usage Rights

Most jurisdictions impose restrictions on how people may use different kinds of properties. The most basic versions of these sorts of issues with rights emerge from zoning laws. You may need a law firm to represent you if you appeal to a zoning board for a variance or if you wish to argue that an official's interpretation is wrong.

A more advanced set of issues may come from resource rights. These can cover things like your right to drill for water, harvest timber, or mine minerals. In most places, these rights can be sold separately from the property. That can make it tricky to recover them if, for example, a previous buyer of the rights is no longer around. Fortunately, you can petition the court for recovery of these rights if they have fallen out of use.

Easements and Nuisances

Every use of property runs some risk of infringing on someone else's enjoyment of a nearby property. The solution is to obtain an easement. A common form of an easement is allowing someone to use part of the property or to travel across it. There are also easements for blocking views, making noise, and producing smells.

On the flip side, you may also need help pursuing a case if someone without an easement is producing a nuisance on a nearby property. This can lead to potentially lengthy legal battles.
