Kid Safety: Tips To Prevent Dog Bites & Factors To Consider

You might like dogs, but what should you do if a dog tries to attack you when you are out and about? The truth is about 4.7 million Americans are bitten by a dog each year. And about 42 percent of those cases involve children under 14 years of age. The following guide will help teach you and your children how to avoid this danger. Signs Of Trouble A study exposed some of the factors that could put your child or children in danger of a dog bite, such as the following: [Read More]

Facing A DWI Charge: How To Maximize Your Chance For A Positive Outcome

Facing a DWI charge is a stressful situation, and it can be pretty inconvenient if you lose your privilege to drive until your court case is settled in one way or another. While fines and jail time are possible results of a conviction for your DWI charge, you can maximize the chance of a positive outcome and minimize any financial or incarceration costs by proving to the court that you won't be charged with a DWI again in the future. [Read More]

Legal Fees If The Contract With An Accident Lawyer Ends Before Case Conclusion

Working with one lawyer from the beginning to the end of the case is the ideal thing to do. However, this isn't always possible; in rare cases, either of you may decide to end the relationship for one reason or another. If this happens, your lawyer will want to be paid for the work he or she has done before contract termination. Depending on the reason for the termination, there are different ways of dealing with this. [Read More]

How a Personal Care Agreement Protects You and Your Parent

If you and your siblings convince your aging parent to move in with one of you, it might be a good idea to have a family meeting about this. Your parent might want to compensate the sibling that decides to provide care for him or her, and this is something you should talk about as a family. As a family, you might want to discuss how this will work, and you should determine if you need a personal care agreement. [Read More]